The 31 Best Self-help Books For Moms to Increase Joy and Abundance
Open your mind to new ways of thinking, living and being with our list of the best self-help books for moms. Covering topics such as compassion, mindfulness, forgiveness, health, relationships, career development, positivity, gratitude, being a good friend, and being a better parent. Our self-help books will increase your feelings of joy and abundance and help you accomplish your goals faster.
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These self-help books for moms will open your mind to new ways of thinking, living and being increasing your joy and abundance.

Self-help books for moms can help with many areas of life including increasing self-confidence, positivity, gratitude and improving relationships. While most of us understand and invest in our physical health, we don’t prioritise our mental health in the same way.  

There are so many benefits to reading self-help books. Self-help books act as reference books that we can keep referring back to as we journey on our path of self-discovery and self-love.

These books teach vital techniques and provide helpful advice for looking after yourself spiritually, mentally and emotionally.  Using self-help books can help us accomplish our goals faster and increase our feelings of joy and abundance.

Traditionally emotional education has not been given the priority it deserves. So, to open your mind to new ways of thinking, living and being, we have put together the best list of self-help books for moms.

It’s not a subject at school or university; however, self-help books can assist with fulfilment. They aim to teach us to live and die well.

Covering topics such as compassion, mindfulness, forgiveness, money, health, relationships, career development, positivity, gratitude, being a good friend, and being a better parent, self-help books can guide us toward more sincere and authentic ways of living.

If you don’t usually read self-help books, set yourself a target of reading one per month or listening to an audiobook while driving, walking or doing the housework.  

Self-help books for Self-Love

The Self-Love Workbook by Shainna Ali

The self-love workbook is the best book for moms looking to take the first step on their self-love journey. Created by a licensed therapist, this workbook will help you reflect, gain insight and love yourself.

The book offers a safe place to explore the great things about you then guides you through feelings to welcome growth and learning. With thought-provoking reflections, quotes, affirmations, journal sections, self-care practises and practical exercises, it’s a beautifully presented book that will help you build a better relationship with yourself.

This book provides a roadmap to help you reach your full potential and love yourself along the way.

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Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

Daring greatly is the best self-help book for moms who need to accept their vulnerability and love themselves despite their imperfections. The book explains how vulnerability is the core of difficult emotions like fear, grief, disappointment, and the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, empathy, innovation, and creativity.

This book provides resources and tools to unlock your authentic self so you can enjoy a more fulfilling life with resilience and perseverance. An excellent read for anyone who wants to take a few more chances and dare greatly! The book also includes a chapter on parenting.

You can listen to Dr Brown’s TED talk on vulnerability here to get a sense of this book.

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Self-help Books for Anxiety

The Little Book of Mindfulness by Dr Patrizia Collard

The Little Book of Mindfulness is the best self-help book for moms who want to live in the present. Mindfulness is the easy way to let go of stress and live in the moment. You can introduce these simple 5 and 10 minute practises into your day, and once you have learned how to practise the exercises, you won’t need to keep referring to the book.

If you don’t have ten minutes to spare, you can reduce the time of each exercise. This book has excellent suggestions on ways to infuse more mindfulness, peace and relaxation into your daily life. Visit our article on Mindfulness for Moms for more ideas on increasing mindfulness while reducing anxiety, stress and exhaustion.

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Adult Colouring Workbook by Cindy Elsharouni

The adult colouring workbook is the best self-help book for moms who need to relax. Colouring allows the brain to switch off other thoughts and focus, like meditation.

It has therapeutic potential to reduce anxiety and increase mindfulness. Colouring can also improve motor skills and vision, improve sleep and focus. This adult colouring book has over sixty animal patterns, including small and big creatures from forests, oceans, deserts, and woodland.

The patterns come in varying levels of intricacy, providing hours of stress relief through creative expression.

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Self-Help Books for Believing in Yourself

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The four agreements is the best book for moms looking for philosophy and code to live by and improve their lives. It’s a Toltec Wisdom book that teaches four agreements, including speaking with integrity, not taking on others opinions or actions, not making assumptions and doing your best.  

These are basic lessons that act as reminders to commit to respecting ourselves and others. Getting back to the basics with self-care, this is an excellent read if you suffer from self-doubt and low self-esteem.

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Untamed: Stop Pleasing, Start living by Glennon Doyle

Untamed is the best book for moms who want to challenge their inherent beliefs and live differently. This book is about Glennon’s life, her experiences and the lessons she has learned along the way.

It’s a deeply fascinating look at her life, including her eating disorder, drug addiction, then motherhood, marriage, falling in love with a woman, entering a same-sex marriage, and then her blended family. Glennon is very open and honest about her trials, her heartaches, successes and growth.

The book is a very female-focused book inspiring the reader to move toward their most authentic self. Although it may not be the easiest path, Glennon encourages us to be wild, free, and untamed.

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Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Estes

Women who run with the wolves is the best self-help book for moms who want to reconnect with their fierce instinctual nature. The book looks into the trials women go through in their lives, such as expectations of their family, society, and religious leaders through poetry, myths and stories.

This book will inspire you to believe in yourself and your inner strength, with lots of ancient mythology about women predominantly from native American and South American culture. In this book, Clarissa urges women to reconnect with their wild, natural self through art, healing, making love, laughter, living without boundaries, teaching and trusting in their intuition and instincts.

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Self-help book for Inspiration

The Choice: Embrace the Impossible by Dr Edith Eger

The choice: embrace the impossible is the best self-help book for moms who want to be inspired. It’s the story of sixteen-year-old ballerina Edith Eger who was sent to Auschwitz, losing her parents and enduring unimaginable horrors before learning to live again.

Dr Edith Eger is a therapist who understands pain and forgiveness uniquely and has a compelling message that to live a whole life truly, we need to choose not only to forgive but also to forgive ourselves. In this book, Dr Eger teaches us how our minds can imprison us and how we can look at ourselves with genuine compassion.

This life-changing book will teach you how to embrace life and make peace with your past, growing and learning from your most challenging life experiences.

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Self-help Book For Gratitude

Good Days Start With Gratitude by Simou Marco

Good Days Start With Gratitude is the best self-help book for moms who want to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. It is a self-exploration journal designed to focus on being thankful for what we have, the big things in life, as well as the simple joys.

Each well designed weekly spread contains an inspirational quote, space to write three things you are thankful for each day, and a weekly checkpoint.

The premise is that if you start each day by writing down three things you are grateful for – a beautiful shower, sunshine, a great cuppa – you begin each day on the right note. This book will help you commit to gratitude daily and make it a habit to focus on the blessings.

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Self-help Books for Health

Breath by James Nestor

Breath is the best self-help book for moms who want to optimise their breathing to feel their best. It is a book about breathing, explaining the importance of breath and its impact on our health.

The book is fascinating, the writer has been a mouth breather for most of his life, and he takes you on his journey of discovering the benefits of nasal breathing. Ultimately the book is about why we should breathe through our nose and not through our mouth and provides the science and research to support the argument.

The book then goes on to give advice and exercises to get you breathing correctly. You can also watch a two-minute video from James revealing his top breathing tips for health here.

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How Not To Die by Michael Greger

How not to die is the best self-help book for moms who want to get healthy and live longer. This book details the connection between our food and many diseases examining the fifteen top causes of premature death in America–heart disease, various cancers, diabetes, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and more.

Dr Gregor explains how a plant-based diet can extend your life while transforming your quality of living. It offers a wealth of health-boosting nutritional information and hands-on dietary advice that you won’t get from your doctor. There is a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day.

You can download the free daily dozen app to help you track your intake of the valuable food groups. This book is full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science; these doctor’s orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.

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Self-help Books for Positivity

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson

The subtle art of not giving a f*** is the best book for moms who hate self-help books. This book explains that life is overwhelming, and the only way to get on with it is to focus on what matters to you and not care (or give a f***) about anything else.

Mark’s writing is very casual like you are talking to a friend, and his language can be pretty crass, as per the book’s title. This book can be repetitive, but it does away with the positive psychology craze and looks at defining what is meaningful and essential to you and focussing on that.

Manson’s argument is founded on academic research, profanity and humour and will empower you to exercise control over the events you choose to give a f*** about.

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Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King

Good Vibes, Good Life is the best self-help book for moms who require something encouraging and enlightening to energise themselves. This book will help you accept yourself now while supporting your future and enjoying the journey.

Topics include the importance of vibration, positive lifestyle habits (nutrition and gratitude), making yourself a priority, accepting yourself, embracing your uniqueness, manifesting goals, taking action, being consistent, pushing through and being patient. It also covers looking at pain positively to find the lesson and the purpose when things are difficult.

An encouraging and inspiring book; however, there are not many new ideas or concepts. This book will inspire you to take the leap and become the very best version of yourself—a great refresher.

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Unfu*k Yourself by Gary Bishop

Unfu*k yourself is the best self-help book for moms who need to get out of their heads and into their life. The book is a concise read.

This book covers seven principles that help you tap into your passion and then move you to take action. The book covers self-talk and inner dialogue, or positive motivational affirmations.

There’s nothing too groundbreaking in this book, with most of the core concepts focussed on theoretical ideas of well-known philosophers, the difference between success and failure, quotes and scientific findings.

It’s a great book to help you stop making excuses and start moving toward your goal. Blunt and direct, it appeals to your sense of worth. The author is a former Landmark Forum leader, so he has experience assisting adults move toward and achieve their goals.  

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Happy by Fearne Cotton

Happy is the best self-help book for moms who want to increase their happiness. This book focuses on the pursuit of happiness through mind, body and balance.

There are three key themes within the text: stop hunting the highs and resisting the lows – spend the most time in the centre. Get happy now and enjoy the whole journey. Train your mind like you train your body.

The book contains breathing and yoga exercises along with happy playlists and cooking tips. There are also some great exercises to help you deal with stress and anxiety in very healthy ways.

You can also listen to the Fearne Cotton podcast here.

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Self-Help Books for Life Improvement

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic habits is the best self-help book for moms who want to improve their lives, one day at a time progressively. The book is about a revolutionary system to get one per cent better every day.

World-renowned habits expert James Clear cites that real change comes from the compound effect of many small decisions made daily. Rather than thinking big, this book focuses on what James calls Atomic Habits.

Small decisions such as waking up 5 minutes earlier or taking the stairs instead of the lift. The book explains how these tiny changes can create life-changing outcomes.

Clear uncovers a handful of simple life hacks and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter. You download chapter one of the book here or visit the blog to get a feel for the book.

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You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

You are a Badass is the best book for moms who are interested in self-improvement. The author took all the wisdom she had acquired from her self-help research and condensed it into a series of books.

Split into five sections, you are a badass shows you how you got this way, how to embrace your inner badass, how to tap into the motherlode, how to get over your bs and how to kick some ass. The book looks at ways to identify and change your self sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that stop you from getting what you want.

Topics include meditation, gratitude, mindfulness, forgiveness, giving, procrastination, time management, money, faith and fear. Stop doubting your greatness and believe in yourself.

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Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven

Make Your Bed is the best self-help book for moms who want to create healthier habits. There are ten easy to read chapters that you can take and use immediately.

These include starting the day by completing a simple task, like making your bed. The key takeaways are that little things can change your life and the world, simple things are often the best, and small wins are like dominoes.

Be purposeful in establishing quality relationships, so you have people to lean on in difficult times; not be afraid to fail because failure is essential and you must dare to do great things. Being brave, acting courageously, being there for others and never quitting.

You can watch the commencement address this book is derived from here.

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The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

The Daily Stoic is the best book for moms looking for a book of quotes. The book has 366 meditations on wisdom, perseverance and the art of living from the great Stoic philosophers such as Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, and Zeno.

This book is broken down by days and months, with each month focusing on a different set of principles that stoicism offers. The authors expand on the quote so you can reflect or meditate on the passage. By following these teachings for a year (and, indeed, for years to come), you’ll find the serenity, self-knowledge, and resilience you need to live well.

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Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

Girl, Wash Your Face is the best self-help book for moms who want to take control of their life and become the best version of themselves. Encouraging and inspiring Rachel advises that you must get up, wash your face, and keep moving toward your goals and dreams when you get knocked down.

Rachel shares how she overcame her struggles to become a successful social media lifestyle blogger in this book. There are many insights and lessons to learn from as she shares her disappointments on the path to success.   

Note: this book does have some religious overtones, but it stems from the author encouraging you to have faith; it doesn’t have to be Christianity (Rachel’s religion).

Related: If you are a working mom and would like help managing your house, read our cleaning schedule for working moms for all the best hints, tips, hacks and ideas.

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Self-Help Books for Mindfulness

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The power of now is the best self-help book for moms who want to live more mindfully. Most of the concepts in this book are simple but profound: accept what is, stay in the moment and remain grateful.

Eckhart writes that every minute you spend living in the past or worrying about the future is a minute lost because all you have is now. The book gives actionable strategies to live every minute in the present.

By accepting the present moment and removing all judgement from thoughts, you can reduce stress and anxiety. The Power of Now is an excellent book for mindfulness, the art of being aware and being in the moment. And for being more present so you can live a better life.

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The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer

The Untethered Soul is the best self-help book for moms who suffer from anxiety. The author is a spiritual teacher who focuses on yoga and meditation.

This book suggests many of us are attached to our ego and mind, but someone with an untethered soul has taken the inward journey to find peace. The journey inward enables us to become free from the thoughts and emotions that can leave us in turmoil.

The three key themes are that you are not the voice in your end; you can examine the voice objectively. Death can be a powerful motivator and healer and can be used to make healthier decisions, stronger relationships and use your time wisely. And you can remove the obstacles in your path that are preventing you from becoming fulfilled.

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Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Breaking the habit of being yourself is the best self-help book for moms who want to change their practices through meditation. Dr Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

According to Dr Dispenza, our conscious mind only plays a 5% role in our lives, whereas our subconscious mind plays a 95% role. There is a four-week meditation course at the end of the book to help access the subconscious mind and rewire circuits in our brain that are no longer serving us.

These meditations are also available via youtube and can be accessed here: week 1, week 2, week 3, and week 4.

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Self-help Book for Sparking Joy

The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking

The little book of hygge is the best self-help book for moms who want to bring a bit of joy to their hearts. The book could be a coffee table book. It’s a quick read that’s straight to the point.

It’s about the topic of hygge and reflects on the Danish secrets to living happily. The author is the CEO of the happiness research institute in Copenhagen.

So, the book includes some happiness data and research. Topics include taking a break, being present, creating ambience, connecting with people, cake and living for today.

Hygge is a fun book to read and offers simple ideas to incorporate more happy, calm and cosy concepts into your environment so you can feel safe and warm. The book contains beautiful illustrations, so the hardcover is recommended over kindle.

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Self-help Book for Creativity

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic is the best self-help book for moms who want to live more creatively. If you are stuck in a rut or have doubts about your creative journey, this book will inspire you and give you the courage and confidence to keep going.  

There are six chapters covering courage, enchantment, permission, persistence, trust and divinity. Elizabeth is a writer, so all her examples and anecdotes are about writing. But you can apply the rules to other creative streams. You can watch Elizabeth Gilbert on TED talk about your elusive creative genius here.

This book will encourage you to break out of your creative rut, own your creativity, and connect with it in a playful, joyous, and open way.

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Self-help Book for Organisation

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

The life-changing magic of tidying up is the best self-help book for moms who need to get organised. Being organised is one of the qualities of being a good mom and will give you a sense of empowerment and control over your days.

The book introduces the Konmari method, the guide to decluttering your home and the philosophy of owning things and letting go. This book aims to help you acquire the right mindset for creating order and becoming a tidy person.

When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order too. Kondo advises that by tidying up your home, you tidy up your life, which is life-transforming.

The point of discarding things and keeping things is to be happy. Ask, “does this spark joy”? Keep only the things that speak to your heart. This international bestseller will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire.

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Self-help Books for Improving Relationships

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

The five love languages is the best self-help book for moms who want to improve their relationships. The book discusses the idea that we all have different love languages.

By knowing what our language and our loved one’s language is, we can have higher-quality relationships. The five love languages include words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch.

We express love in many ways. Sometimes you may not receive love if the receiver does not speak the same language. This book will improve your relationship with your partner, children, friends and family. * Contains biblical references.

You can download the five love languages app here.

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The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection is the best self-help book for moms who want to overcome their fear and gain confidence. The main ideas this book covers include the relationship between perfectionism and shame and what you can gain by knowing this and allowing yourself to be vulnerable so you can love yourself and others more authentically.

As an ambassador for wholehearted living, there are some great suggestions on how can you practically make your life better. There is also a book called The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting. Watch Dr Brene Brown’s TED talk on The Power of Vulnerability here to get an idea about the concepts in this book.

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Self-help Book for Spirituality

The Book of Joy by Desmond Tutu and Dalai Lama

The Book of Joy is the best book for moms looking to increase their joy and develop a happier world. Through conversations with Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama, this book explores the nature of joy, the obstacles to joy and the eight pillars of joy.

These eight pillars include perspective, humility, humour, acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion and generosity. The Book of Joy will challenge how you think about material possessions and offer you a new perspective about your compassion for others.

In the back of this book are meditations and prayers to help you on your daily journey to find true joy.

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Self-Help Book for Manifesting

The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

The secret is the best book for moms who are interested in the law of attraction. This book discusses that everyone has a dream; however, most people assume that it’s just that, a dream.

The secret is about how your thoughts are magnetic and attract similar frequency thoughts and events. In this book, you will learn the steps, tools and techniques to apply the law of attraction.

The book discusses three main stages, including defining and asking for what you want. Believing that the universe will give you what you ask for (through visualisation and sharing from the feelings of abundance) and receiving.

This book is the first in a series of books and teaches you how to use The Secret in every aspect of your life—money, health, relationships, happiness, and in every interaction you have in the world. 

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Self-Help Book for Healing

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Milk and Honey is the best self-help book for moms looking for healing in their hearts. It’s a collection of poems that go through four phases, the hurting, the loving, the breaking and the healing.

The writing is more like statements than poems, but there are some Important themes and perspectives on meaningful subjects. Milk and Honey is a short read, and some of the poems are just a sentence.

The book covers rape, family relationships, romantic relationships, self-love, and shame. It’s important to note that poetry is subjective and personal, so this may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

There are some beautiful drawings and illustrations to go with the stories of love, heartache, grief, pain, and healing.

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Related: For ideas on what to buy the new mom, visit our 85 new mom care package and gift ideas here.

Self-help books will help you become the best version of yourself, they will open your mind to different perspectives and ways of thinking and being. Pursuing personal development will empower you to achieve your mental, emotional, social, spiritual and physical goals faster.

Our list of the best apps for moms and ideas on self-love for moms will also assist with improved focus, greater resilience, and a more positive attitude. These articles highlight ways to practice self-care, mindfulness, meditation, affirmations, and positive thinking.

Our list of self-help books for moms will open your mind to new ways of thinking, living and being increasing your joy and abundance.

Tania Riley

Tania Riley

Oh My Baby Brain

Tania is the Editor of Oh My Baby Brain and mum to twins, Sam and Sophia. Tania is passionate about food, photography, blogging and their pet Moodle, Jasper. When she is not working Tania spends most of her spare time writing and collecting stories for Oh My Baby Brain. Tania lives in Australia.

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